Solar and wind energy on the ECOwind site in Kilb. The energy produced by the PV system is used on the site and distributed to consumers via the energy management system. Excess energy is fed into the public grid as clean PV electricity.
Floating-PV system in Grafenwörth
ECOwind and EVN realised the largest Floating-PV system in Central Europe north of the town of Grafenwörth.
Herrenstein wind farm was successfully commissioned and has been in full operation since the beginning of July 2017.
The wind farm was able to be commissioned ahead of schedule. At the beginning of November, energy was already being supplied sporadically, and by the end of the trial operations phase, the wind turbines were put through their technical commissioning test.
The last wind turbine of the Steinriegel II wind farm was commissioned at the beginning of November 2014, marking the end of construction work.
Pongratzer Kogel
More than 3000 people turned out for the opening of the Masenberg/Pongratzer Kogel wind farm – which was accompanied by splendid mountain weather!